Something is happening near London today

An irrelevant miscellany away from crowds.

Keeping up with Six Word Saturday

Author: kayrpea61

Retiree with interests in technology, travel, wine and gardening, not necessarily in that order.

17 thoughts on “Something is happening near London today”

  1. Just checking the pingback for you, Ken. Yes, it certainly works. 🙂 🙂
    Now, what can that be, in London, I wonder….

    1. Jo, you used the link I pasted in the comment. A ping back would appear in the post. Only Debbie can tell if the ping back works when she moderates. For example, go to The Daily Post “Liquid” and you’ll see your entry for Liquid as one of the 387 responses (currently the most recent). That happened ‘automatically’ because you put the link in your post.

      1. Yes, I realise, Ken. I obviously have my early morning head on. 🙂 🙂 Sorry! Delete me if you like.

  2. It works! 🙂
    And I’m so slow, or uninterested, that I was really wondering what was happening in London!!
    I’m heading in soon but for Photo London exhibition not the wedding

  3. My Beloved Sandra gave me plenty of advance notice that she’d be glued to the screen until further notice.

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